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EU Funding


Project name: Innovative technology as a result of R&D activities to improve services offered by AlpinJet sp. z o. o. of Poznan.

Project description: The objective achieved after implementing the project was AlpinJet sp. z o. o.’s improved level of competitiveness, as the company could adapt, improve and diversify the quality and type of services it provided to meet customer expectations. One fixed asset was purchased to fulfill the above objective – a mobile high-pressure unit with parallel filtering technology and an innovative remote communication and geolocation system with accessories. The project allowed AlpinJet to implement improved technology to clean industrial utilities as well as concrete or steel constructions. AlpinJet sp. z o. o. also implemented product, process and organizational innovation.

Project value: 692 836,86 PLN

Contribution of European Funds:  237 276,90 PLN

Tender no 1/2016 of March 11, 2016 under project no: RPWP.01.05.02-30-0291/15 pt.


„Innovative technology as a result of R&D activities to improve services offered by
AlpinJet sp. z o. o. of Poznan.”.

Publication date: March 11, 2016

Download tender: link

Publication date: March 24, 2016

INFORMATION on the contractor selection process for TENDER no 1/2016 of March 11, 2016

Contracting party: AlpinJet sp. z o. o. would like to inform that a contractor was selected for the purchase and delivery of a mobile high-pressure unit with parallel filtering technology and an innovative remote communication and geolocation system with accessories as well as of a trailer to transport the above high-pressure unit. The order was conducted via the project titled “Innovative technology as a result of R&D activities to improve services offered by
AlpinJet sp. z o. o. of Poznan”
no WND-RPWP.01.05.02-30-0291/15, co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for the years 2014-2020 from the European Regional Development Fund.

Tender offers were opened on March 23, 2016 at 9:00 am.

Contractor selected: Ponar Pressure Systems SA with its head office in Łaziska Górne, 10A Świerczewskiego Street.

The selection process was concluded in the form of a signed contract by both parties.